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  • Pick up / drop off määrab kliendi.

  • Kohalik eraviisiline giid

  • Transport kliimasõidukites

  • Vesi

  • Tasuta wifi

  • Juriidiline kindlustus

  • Juhi / informatiivne juhend. Meil pole giidi litsentsi, seega ei tee me ajaloomälestiste piires giide

  • Teekond

  • Otse Fatimasse, kus on aega oma pühendumuste jaoks ja loomulikult kogu ala nautimiseks.

About Fatima

Fatima is th stage du monde. 
This is a sanctuary that receive citizens of all world. 
Believers and non believers got out with new life. In that space, silence it's absolutely requested .
Fatima is a pilgrimage place twice a year to celebrate Our Lady's appearance to the youn shepherds. Thounsands of peoples cross the country walking hundreds kilometers  with objective to meet Fatima  May 13 each year .

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