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Dėkojame už klausimą apie turą „Guimarães & Braga“. Kai tik atsakysime el. Paštu. Geriausias


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  • Apsilankykite senajame universitete, atsuktame į Mondego upę ... „Joanina“ knygyne, kuris yra būtinas kultūros gerbėjams.

  • Botanikos sodas, „Quinta das Lágrimas“, „Machado de Castro“ muziejus, Senoji katedra, Naujosios katedros bažnyčia, Karališkasis menų koledžas, Santa Kruso vienuolynas.

About Coimbra

Coimbra is the city of students and its university, one of the oldest sources of knowledge in Europe dating from the 13th century.

The beauty of black covers and the sounds of guitars transform forever the lives of those who spend their youth there. Experiences that they never will forget. 

The city of love and misfortunes where every students / people deeply feels the famous "serenata" at the time of farewell.Land of our Pedro e Inês  (  Romeo and Juliet).

For lunch we have several options:The famous piglet à Bairrada or have lunch at the Hotel do Bussaco.

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